Sunday, March 21, 2010

Greenwich Baths 2010

Here it is next year, as it happens, and we have come to our first paid beach! Which is unexpected, but turns out very well. We're on the north side of the harbour, and the teensy Greenwhich Baths are next in line. And luckily we can pay with eftpos, as we always try not to carry much cash to the beach, and we are a dollar short of the entrance price.

The views are good; we can see the city, and the beach is lovely and clean. There are also a couple of swimming lanes, complete with turning boards at each end. The crowd is mostly families with young children, so it is pretty suitable. And although it is late March, the water's fine.

We finish our visit with a trip to the outdoor cafe on one end of the tiny beach, and all enjoy a pleasant and easy lunch.